
更新时间:2023-05-13 15:21:42 作者:绿屋生活


1、Hello, its me,I was wondering if after all these years youd like to meet.To go over everything.They say that times supposed to heal ya but I aint done much healing.Hello, can you hear me,Im in California dreaming about who we used to be.When we were younger and free,Ive forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet.Theres such a difference between usAnd a million miles.Hello from the other side,I mustve called a thousand times to tell you.Im sorry, for everything that Ive done,But when I call you never seem to be home.Hello from the outside,At least I can say that Ive tried to tell you.Im sorry, for breaking your heart,But it dont matter,it clearly doesnt tear you apart anymore,Hello, how are you.Its so typical of me to talk about myself,Im sorry, I hope that youre well.Did you ever make it out of that town,Where nothing ever happened.Its no secret,That the both of us are running out of time.So hello from the other side,I mustve called a thousand times to tell you.Im sorry,for everything that Ive done,But when I call you never seem to be home.Hello from the outside,At least I can say that Ive tried to tell you.Im sorry, for breaking your heart,But it dont matter.it clearly doesnt tear you apart anymore,but it wont,anymore,anymore,anymore.Hello from the other side,I mustve called a thousand times,to tell you,Im sorry,for everything that Ive done.But when I call you never seem to be home.Hello from the outside,At least I can say that Ive tried,to tell you,Im sorry, for breaking your heart.But it dont matter,it clearly doesnt tear you apart anymore.






2023-05-13 15:15


1、陈紫函 ,1975年4月2日出生于重庆市。祖籍湖北省武汉市黄陂区,中国内地女演员,毕业于北京电影学院表演系。2、1996年,因出演个人首部古装剧《东周列国·春秋篇》而正式进入

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1、歌词当你看着我我没有开口已被你猜透还是没把握还是没有符合你的要求是我自己想得太多还是你也在闪躲如果真的选择是我我鼓起勇气去接受不知不觉让视线开始闪烁哦~第一次我 说

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